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The Closet Caper!


Closet - BeforeBefore I get started, let me say that this was a massive undertaking, haha! What started out as a “I’ll get rid of some t-shirts and put things into plastic bins” turned into me getting rid of 2/3 of my wardrobe and a closet that is basically half empty now, LOL! It also led to me going through all my desk drawers, dresser drawers, and my smaller storage cabinet. I have gone through my entire room, and now I feel like I have minimal work to be done to get the entire room as organized as that dang closet! So, let the process begin!

Closet - BeforeAfter taking scary before pictures, I took the overflowing crate of textbooks and the foot and a half stack of binders and handouts and sorted through them. I’m not in school anymore, so I was able to get rid of all but one or two textbooks and I condensed all the papers and stuff into one binder – not bad, LOL! Next, I moved my bookcase (and all the stacks of books) out of the closet and into my room next to my other bookcase. As you can see, I know what my next project is going to be – the book situation is a problem, LOL!

Books - Before and AfterSince I moved my bookcase out, I then had to do something with those boxes that were previously in the bookcase’s new home. The ones that are related to my business I moved into storage – it’s so nice not to have those sitting there everyday staring at me. Instead I get all my wonderful books. Yay!

The two boxes on the bottom, however, had to go into the closet where the bookcase was. One of them is work-related stuff to which I need regular access, and the other is a box of all my techno-stuff . . . the manuals, the software CDs, the spare cables, etc. This was a nightmare, and while it was a contained nightmare in its fun little box I knew that there was some serious organizing to be had:

Computer Stuff - Before

More on this in a bit – first I needed to assess the closet situation as a whole.

When I moved the books out of the closet they had cobwebs all over them, so I knew that I needed to pull EVERYTHING out of the closet and give the closet itself some cleaning. There wasn’t enough room in my bedroom to pull everything out, so I had to put it all in the living room:

Closet Innards

What a nightmare! Well, at least it made sorting through things easier – it was all pulled out, so I could actually see what I owned!

I sorted through my shoes and was able to get it down to one pair per cubbyhole, and I’m gonna go with the replacement theory on this one – from now on, if I want a pair of shoes, I have to get rid of a pair of shoes!

Sweaters - AfterThen I went through my clothes. I didn’t do a huge overhaul at this time, I just pulled out things that I knew I would never wear – some knit tops, a few things that I know will never look good on me, regardless of weightloss, and several sorority t-shirts that I know I won’t wear anymore. I also sorted through all my sweaters, and quickly assessed that I would need a better system for keeping them organized. This rack seemed like a great organizing solution!

I sorted through my purses and was able to get rid of half! I took the remaining purses and put them in the crate that used to have all the textbooks in it. Not the most attractive storage container, but it was the right size, and I already owned it, LOL! No sense in spending money if I don’t need to! And it’s so nice to have them in a container since they are higher up – I don’t have to pull down 80 bazillion things to find what I’m looking for, I just take down the crate, pick out the purse I want, and put the crate back into its nice little home!

NOW I was able to get to that large box of techno-stuff! I carefully sorted things in to piles – cables, software, manuals, etc. I was amazed at how much had accumulated! I was able to get rid of over half of the cords (because honestly, we have cable internet, and we use a wireless router – I didn’t need all the telephone and ethernet cables that seem to come with every new computer product), some of the old software that I don’t use anymore, and some old telephones (we have Vonage now). There were also a ton of backup disks that are obsolete now that I have an external hard drive that does regular backups. Imagine my surprise when not only was I able to condense the tech stuff, but I was able to fit it all into a box that was HALF the size of the previous box!!!

Computer Stuff - Before

Talk about gaining some space! I knew I’d have more room, but if you had told me that I would be able to put it all into that small box, I would have just laughed at you! In this case, yay for being wrong!

Now that the majority of the STUFF was organized it was time to get down and dirty with the clothes. About once a year I sort through my clothes and get rid of things, but it usually amounts to a few shirts, a pair of jeans, and a sweater or two. This time, as I pulled everything out and looked at each individual piece, I thought hard about when was the last time I wore it. How it looks when it’s on my body. If the color is a good color for me. I used the principles that I’ve learned from a recent discovery, MissusSmartyPants, LOL!

MissusSmartyPants is a clothing consultant – you send her a picture of yourself and she helps you figure out what clothes will fit you the best. I am amazed at how right she is. She has detailed directions for what are the essential wardrobe basics and on how to do a true, thorough closet purge. By using her methods I was able to get rid of almost 2/3 of the clothes in my closet . . . and still feel like I’m able to dress well every day! I came to realize that I only wear 1/3 to 1/2 of my clothes on a regular basis anyways . . . the rest are just sitting there reminding me of one particular occasion, or of a thinner weight. Her recommendations have also helped me to figure out what styles and cuts of clothing work the best for me, so I know that in the future when I go shopping I will be able to buy clothes that will fit me well, look great on me, and get worn on a regular basis! I let a couple of my friends sort through my clothes and take what they wanted, and the rest I am giving to our housekeeper (see #6). The rest of my giveaway things went in 2 carloads to Goodwill.

Missus Smarty PantsYay for not only getting rid of all that unnecessary clothing, but having things organized in a way that I know I will use them! I also read on her website a tip from another client – I’ve taken all my clothes for this time of the year and grouped them together. Then I turned all the hangers around so that the hook is going the opposite direction on the rack. Then, as I wear things I will put the hook back the way it’s supposed to be. At the end of the season I’ll be able to see what I DIDN’T wear because the hook will still be backwards. If I know what I haven’t worn, then I know what I should consider getting rid of. Sounds brilliant to me!

With all the clothes weeded through, all the junk sorted through and organized (or in a different home) I was able to see the greatest asset of all – the closet itself. I have a huge closet. I always knew this, but I didn’t know what to do with it. I got the lightbulb changed so that I can see EVERYTHING (you’ll note the light is out in my before picture). I looked around and thought about my daily process to figure out what I wanted to change to make my life easier.

Now that I’ve been trying to exercise regularly, I realized it would be nice to have my workout clothes in my dresser that is in my room. It’s near my bed, and it would be so much easier to just pull something out of there. In order to do that though, I’d have to clear a drawer. As I looked, I realized that I had more than half a drawer dedicated to bathing suits! When I was living in Florida, that would have made sense, but here in North Carolina (in November, nonetheless) that seems like a waste of space. Since my closet was all cleared out, I was able to see that there was space higher up on the shelf where I could put the bathing suits. I bought a few small containers to use on that space – they’re small and lightweight, so they’re easy to pull down.

Ugly Containers

I got one for the bathing suits, one for my scarves and gloves, etc. Sooo much better than the “where is such and such . . .” organizational method I had going on before! And while the containers aren’t exactly the most attractive bins, they’re the right size, and I’m the only one going to be seeing them, so I don’t mind their color! Go Deacs!

And so, for the grand finale, the after pictures of my closet:

Closet - After

Closet - After

As you can see, the clothing is clearly organized according to type and color, as well as the occasion in which I would wear it. It is MUCH easier to see what I have, and since the floor is clear, I can walk in there and actually look at things. I’m actually using the double hanging rack now, so I can use the other hanging racks for things like the storage of sweaters. Ideally I would like to have a double clothes rack with the bottom rack being shorter so that I can hang the longer dresses and things with the other clothes, but since I’m in an apartment I can’t change the racks around This will work until I move next summer, and hopefully I’ll move into a place that will let me change the racks around to the way I like them.

I’ve used the shelf between the racks for my games since I don’t use them too much and I don’t need regular access. On the left side of the closet I’m only using half of the length of the closet for clothes, so on the other half of the shelf I have put those 2 boxes (work stuff and techno-stuff) and my spare pillows (boo for lack of linen closet), and on the floor I have put all my luggage. It’s all waaaaay more accessible than it was. You can see the spare sheets sitting next to the blue crate with my purses, and on the very top are my scarves, boots, etc. – things I don’t need to get to that often. I think using that high up space was key for me.

As far as the rest of the closet goes, it’s fairly empty except for my shoes. I was excited that I can put my exercise ball in there and it’s not in the way! The rest of the shelves are empty. When I am at my parents’ home for Christmas I plan to get all of the things out of my closet there and bring them back here, and those shelves will be used for storage. It will be much more helpful to my mom, because then she can use that closet at home instead of my things taking up all the good space when I am rarely there anymore anyways.

So the closet is clean, ridiculously functional, and ready for growth! All in all, I think I did pretty good :). Thanks for challenging me Laura!

30 Day Organizational Challenge

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