Last year I participated in Laura‘s 30 Day Organizational Challenge and got my closet whipped into shape. I wasn’t one of the competition winners, but the amount of time and stress I’ve saved by having things organized has made me FEEL like a winner (OK, that was a little cheesy). Seriously, the challenge was in November, but that closet stayed in that EXACT condition until I moved in July, and when I moved I carried over the organization to my new apartment. And it’s still organized the same way (which is the REAL shocker). So this year, my project is even greater than last year’s – it’s a massive undertaking!
For this year’s 30 Day Organizational Challenge, I’m tackling my storage situation. A little background: I moved to a new apartment in July. For the first time I am living in an apartment all by myself, but it is a two bedroom apartment. I feel like I’ve got my own little house – this place TRULY feels like it’s mine! When I moved in, I got the kitchen all set up, the living room is all nice and homey, and my bedroom has everything just where I want it. The only problem? All that stuff that didn’t really have a place to go, so it got tossed into the spare bedroom/office (with a little overflow into the outside storage closet). And I just kind of . . . left it all there. 5 months ago. And about a month ago I went to my parents’ house and brought back all my Christmas decorations (Christmas at my place!!!) . . . and I just stuck them in the living room because there was no other place to put them.
So for my challenge, I am getting my storage situation all figured out! I’ve got a massive closet in the spare bedroom as well as a great storage closet outside by my little patio area. I’ve also got my desk which, once I get my computer actually set up, will provide great storage. And since I’ve already sorted through the rest of the apartment as I was putting things away from moving in, all the stuff in my apartment that could be purged is in that room – so not only am I anticipating using my storage space, but I’m also sensing a trip to Goodwill.
Here are a few before pics – I have more, but you’ll just have to wait until November 30 to see the whole process!
Patio Closet Before
Guest Room Closet Before
Guest Room Before
It’s time to get organizing!