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Storage Solutions


I sure hope that my entry gets counted – for some reason I thought we were supposed to post our results on December 1, and today I realized it was supposed to get posted today, but I was at work and didn’t get home until after 1AM EST . . . so I’m hoping that this goes through by the deadline of 11:59PM PST!

This post is very picture heavy, so read on at your own peril :wink: !

30 Day Challenge Fall 2007This year I decided to tackle my storage issues, which encompasses the outside patio storage closet, my guest room, and the closet in the guest room.

I had Christmas decorations piled up in my living room from bringing them up from Florida, so the first thing I did was pull out everything from the outside closet so that I could put all the Christmas decorations in there.

Patio Closet Before 1

I didn’t sort them yet – I figured when I had finished everything else I would pull them back out and use them! And when I got them out to use them, I would then sort through them. I put everything else back into the closet as well except for some things that needed to go to work. My reason for doing this was so that I had a living room to work in for all the rest of it. I then proceeded to pull EVERYTHING from the guest room into the living room. First I had to pull all the things out of the room so that I could even get to the back of the room and the closet.

Guest Room Before 1

Guest Room Before 2

Guest Room Before 3

Guest Room Before 4

And of course, the closet.

Guest Closet Before 1

Guest Closet Before 2

Guest Closet Before 3

Then came the sorting. I began with all the paper clutter. I store all my financial stuff and school stuff in my desk, but since I haven’t been able to get to the desk, the papers have all been collecting in piles on the floor and I have an entire box of binders and such that I haven’t even used for school this year. So the first order of business was get all the papers in order so that I didn’t lose anything important while I was shuffling things around.

Oh yes . . . the desk!

Desk Before 1

Desk Before 2

I managed to organize the entire trimester’s worth of handouts and assignments into one 1″ binder! I was so thrilled to toss out all the excess. I’ll also note that the reason this was possible was because most of my class notes are on my computer – how much clutter have I saved myself from by keeping everything organized on my laptop? I also got the past couple of months worth of my bank and credit card statements all straightened out too (I keep all my receipts, but since I couldn’t get to my desk, they were all in a big pile waiting to be “processed”). It’s nice not to have all that floating around, just WAITING to get lost!

In my progress report I said that I wanted to get done before Thanksgiving, but the contingency plan was to put whatever was left into the closet and come back to it after my family left. Unfortunately, that is what I had to do, and I got slowed down even more because I got sick! Of course.

The day after Thanksgiving started decorating for Christmas. I put out all my Nutcrackers and my nativity set, and then left the tree for last night. Since I included sorting my decorations as part of my storage organization project, I first sorted through all my ornaments. There was a bag that I set aside that would be great for a little girl (but are a little too young and pink for me), and the rest I put on the tree. I also am donating a few other decorations to Goodwill that I don’t think I will be using anymore (some nutcrackers in poor condition and some stuffed animals.

So, without further adieu, my AFTER pictures!!!

The guest room:

Guest Room After 1

Guest Room After 2

Guest Room After 3

The closet:

Guest Closet After 1

Guest Closet After 2

Guest Closet After 3

The desk:

Desk After 1

Desk After 2

Where the decorations were . . .

Decorations Before 1

And where they are now (please notice that there are two boxes that I was able to get rid of a few boxes and I labeled the ones that I kept as I sorted through everything)!

Patio Closet After 1

And, of course, the back of my car (plus two more bags that are still in my apartment, but I had to take them out to use my backseat, LOL)!

Purge 1

One of the hardest things that I found about the challenge this time around was letting go of some things that I’ve carried from apartment to apartment the past few years . . . things that I don’t really ever use, but think “oh, I could use that one day!” It was also hard to let go of some of my sentimental Christmas things that I never use anymore. I love that I’ve finally got my closet functioning so that I know where things are and everything is compartmentalized (things that are longer term storage as well as better paper management). This is so exciting, and since the room isn’t a wreck any longer, it is a room that I can actually USE!

Almost all the purged stuff is going to Goodwill. There are a couple of things that have been relocated in the apartment, but seriously, they would all fit in a purse. It’s all getting out of here, and that is so refreshing! This apartment has so much more room now, and I know that I will better be able to function myself as well as having guests over!

I really hope that I win this challenge because I put a LOT of hard work into this (especially considering that I work 30+ hours a week, am a full-time graduate student, and hosted my first holiday with my parents coming from Florida, my brother coming from his university, and my boyfriend, who I had not shared a major holiday with yet). Sorted through so much stuff, and have made my life so much more functional. In all honesty, just finishing the challenge feels like winning to me, and the prize is an apartment that works!!!

I can’t wait to read everyone else’s challenge posts!

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